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Creative Director, Marketing with Meals on Wheels America in Arlington, VA.
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dame un abraso
Abrasos... (more)
pretty tree here’s a hug from we to thee
Make time to hug that piece of nature that gives us all the giftZ... (more)
challenge accepted national hug a tree season
Show me what your hug looks likE... (more)
are you on the nice list? buddy paws wants to hear from you!
Helping animals and spreading joy! That's Buddy Mercury. Buddy Mercury is a rescue dog who became famous after being caught on video playing the piano and howling along. Hi... (more)
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dine at flanagans
https://www.flanaganspub57.com/... (more)
prayers for man
Take time to reflect on your first memories of your life. We all need a prayer partner4 I saw this page online and said “wow he must employ someone to pray so he stays” h... (more)
only kind of wife to be, is a satisfied wife
www.SatisfiedWifeClub.com... (more)
battelle ccds critical care decontamination system™ services now available at no charge
Federal Contract Awarded to Battelle to Operate CCDSTM Nationwide Results in Elimination of “Per Mask Charge” to Healthcare Providers COLUMBUS, Ohio (April 10, 2020)—Battel... (more)
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